Latest news about the Plan

Your projected pension calculation is changing

Understand what this number means and why it could look different.

The rising cost of living

How your pension could help in the long run.

Know what you’re paying

Here’s how the Annual Management Charge (AMC) is changing.

Register for your online
Pension Account

Watch this video to learn how to register for your online pension account today.

Have you completed your nomination of beneficiaries form?

Watch this video to learn more about your valuable death benefits and how to nominate your loved ones.

How the DHL Group
Retirement Plan Works

Watch this video to understand how the DHL Group Retirement Plan works, and how your pension account can deliver an income for you in retirement.

What kind of retirement are you
aiming for?

How much do you think you’ll need to get there? How do you save that little extra each month? Here’s what your colleagues said.

Download the DHL Pension Tracker app

You can download the DHL Pension Tracker app to view your pension account wherever you are, updated in real time. You can view your pension contributions and review your personal information so we can keep in touch.

Saving for Retirement

Are you saving enough for to pay for the lifestyle you'd like in retirement? Understanding your contributions and investments will help you maximise your savings for your future.

Find out more

Planning for Retirement

As you get closer to retirement, you'll need to decide how you'll use your savings to provide an income when you retire.

Take a look at your options