Your tools and resources

Alongside the content of this website, here are a range of resources and tools for you to consider using as part of your retirement planning journey.

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How long might I live?

To help you understand how long your pension savings may need to last in retirement, use the:

Longevity tool

How much might I need?

To help you understand how much your costs in retirement may be, use the:

Costs Estimator

How much tax will I have to pay?

Look at how much you will have earned and how much tax is likely to be due, should you choose to take a one-off payment from your pension.

Tax Calculator

How likely am I to run out of retirement savings?

To help you understand the risk of your retirement savings running out, use the:

Drawdown Risk Calculator

Thinking of buying an annuity?

Use the Annuity Calculator to get a quick estimate of the regular income your retirement savings could provide:

MoneyHelper’s annuity comparison tool

Do you earn enough for a decent standard of living?

From the Joseph Roundtree Foundation, the minimum income calculator can help you see what your costs will be and what benefits you may be entitled to.

The minimum income calculator

Want to read more?

These resources will help you learn more about your retirement options so that you can make an informed decision:

DHL Group Retirement Plan Guide

A reminder of how your DHL Group Retirement Plan works:

Read the guide

How to buy an annuity

Read MoneyHelper’s guide to buying an annuity, which provides practical information on getting the best annuity for you:

Read the annuity guide

Want further help?

Deciding how to take your pension account is an important and complex decision that will affect how much income you receive, and when you receive it, in the future. There are a number of additional sources of help available:


Offers a host of financial guidance services, from confidential sessions and informative articles to handy tools that can help you manage your finances.

Visit the MoneyHelper website

Copyright © 2021 Willis Towers Watson. Built on behalf of DHL by Willis Towers Watson.